Our Simple, Yet Effective Process.

Elecool Electrical is an Electrical and Air-conditioning Company based in Melbourne. We provide design, advice, safety and quality services, in a residential and commercial areas and have earned a reputation for our superior workmanship and customer focused approach. We can assist you with your next renovation job, putting in a new airconditioner, servicing an air conditioner and all general electrical maintenance.

01. Think

We’ll discuss your ideas, contribute our expertise and start to build a picture of what your project requires.

02. Plan

Once we understand your needs, our experts will create an extensive plan, from beginning to end.

03. Create

We’ll take the extensive plan and start the building process. We’ll keep you informed at every step of the way.

04. Succeed

Finally, our safety & quality checks will be completed and the full success of the project goal is completed.

What Our Customers Say.

“Definitely recommend these guys,very professional and efficient,on time and reliable.great rates.”

– Leanne Wills

“It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.”

– John Best

“Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.”

– Zoe Purchase

© 2024 Elecool Electrical